Press Release President Appointed to Maryland Economic Development Commission by Governor Hogan

June 22, 2022 is pleased to announce the appointment of Shawn Salta, President, by MD Governor Larry Hogan to the state's Maryland Economic Development Commission (MEDC).

The MEDC uses the experience and talent of Maryland's business leaders to make recommendations to the Governor and administration regarding policy, programs and spending. Commission members work with the Administration, the General Assembly, Maryland's business community and the general public to advocate pro-business policies.

"This is a great honor," said Salta. "As we move forward through some difficult and challenging times, both with Covid issues and especially now with serious inflation issues, it will be more important than ever to make certain a strong business platform is in place for Maryland businesses to grow and prosper. I look forward to sharing my experiences and expertise as a business leader with hopes of bringing about positive change to some of Maryland's current and future economic policies."

The MEDC's mission is to establish economic development policy in the State and to oversee Maryland Commerce's efforts to support the creation, attraction and retention of businesses and jobs. Founded in 1995, the 25 voting member Commission draws upon the expertise of the State's business leaders to inform State economic development efforts by providing a comprehensive evaluation of the State's business climate and recommending to the Governor the policies, programs and spending priorities needed. is an industry leader providing Intelligent Marketing Solutions to the nation's leading brands, fundraisers, membership organizations and midmarket enterprises. is headquartered in Southern, MD in Prince Frederick.

Shawn R. Salta